Writing Your First Python Program: A Beginner’s Guide

Python code editor with 'Hello, World!' displayed on the screen.
Learn how to get started with Python! Install Python, write your first program, and print 'Hello, World!' in this beginner's guide.

Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and versatility. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the process of writing your first Python program. We’ll keep it simple by printing “Hello, World!” to the screen.

Step 1: Installing Python

The first step is to install Python on your computer. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website and follow the installation instructions for your operating system. Alternatively, you can use online editors like Repl.it or Trinket to run Python code in your browser without any installations.

Step 2: Writing the Python Code

Now, let’s write the Python code. A Python program is essentially a text file that contains instructions for the computer to execute. You can use any text editor, but be sure to save the file with a .py extension. For instance, you can name your file hello.py. Here’s the code for our “Hello, World!” program:

# This is a comment that explains the code
print("Hello, World!")  # This function prints a message

In this code, the # symbol marks the beginning of a comment, which is ignored by the computer. Comments are useful for documenting and explaining your code. The print() function is built-in and displays its argument on the screen. "Hello, World!" is a string enclosed by quotation marks.

Step 3: Running the Python Code

If you’ve installed Python on your computer, open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the folder where you saved your file. Then, type python hello.py and press Enter to run your program. You should see the output “Hello, World!” on the screen. If you’re using an online editor, simply click the run button to see the result.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully written and executed your first Python program. You’ve learned how to install Python, write Python code, use comments and strings, and call a function. This blog post has introduced you to markdown elements, code blocks, and LaTeX.

If you’re eager to learn more about Python, check out these valuable resources:

  • Python Official Website: The hub of Python resources, offering documentation, tutorials, downloads, news, and more.
  • Python for Beginners: A beginner’s guide to programming and Python, complete with tips and examples.
  • W3Schools Python Tutorial: A comprehensive tutorial covering all the basics of Python syntax and features.
  • Python Cookbook: A collection of practical recipes and solutions for common Python problems.

Thank you for joining us on this introductory Python journey. If you found this tutorial helpful, stay tuned for more from Fluidstrap.

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